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Anguirus Encounter

Posted by test342342334324234 - May 22nd, 2024

  • Incident Log AML-7001-02: Anguirus Encounter**
  • Date:** June 23, 2007
  • Location:** Elie, Manitoba, Canada
  • Objective:** Observation and Containment of SCP-AML-7001
  • Personnel involved:** Mobile Task Force [REDACTED]
  • Summary:**

On the evening of June 23, 2007, SCP-AML-7001, still in its formative stage and lacking the demonic sword, exhibited unexpected aggressive behavior towards the kaiju entity known as Anguirus. This incident occurred one day after the initial manifestation of SCP-AML-7001 and a day before its acquisition of the anomalous sword.

At approximately 8:45 p.m. local time, SCP-AML-7001 approached the town of Elie, displaying heightened aggression and vocalizing hostile remarks towards Anguirus. Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] was on standby for observation and containment purposes.

As Anguirus, the quadrupedal kaiju, entered the outskirts of Elie, SCP-AML-7001's circular appendages manifested and its two red eyes glowed intensely. The tornado rapidly approached Anguirus, engaging it in an unexpected confrontation.

SCP-AML-7001 verbally taunted Anguirus, shouting, "Take this, you Ankylosaurus piece of S---!" The aggressive behavior and targeted insult were unusual given SCP-AML-7001's general hostility towards SCP entities and fictional characters.

In a surprising display of anomalous strength and agility, SCP-AML-7001 lifted Anguirus with its circular appendages and forcefully threw him towards a nearby building. The tornado continued to hurl insults at Anguirus throughout the encounter, displaying a level of sentience and animosity not previously documented.

The impact resulted in significant structural damage to the building, and Anguirus momentarily incapacitated. However, Anguirus quickly recovered and retaliated by charging at SCP-AML-7001. The ensuing clash caused destructive shockwaves, resulting in collateral damage to nearby structures.

Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] immediately initiated evacuation procedures, prioritizing the safety of civilians in the area. Due to the unpredictability of the situation and the intense combat between SCP-AML-7001 and Anguirus, attempts to physically intervene were deemed too hazardous.

After an intense skirmish lasting approximately 20 minutes, SCP-AML-7001 and Anguirus disengaged, and SCP-AML-7001 retreated from the town. Anguirus, although visibly injured, demonstrated remarkable regenerative capabilities and eventually left the area.

  • Conclusion:**

The unexpected encounter between SCP-AML-7001 and Anguirus highlights the need for updated containment strategies and a deeper understanding of SCP-AML-7001's motives and abilities. Incident AML-7001-02 has prompted a review of current containment procedures and further investigation into the anomalous properties of both entities. Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] has been debriefed, and additional research is underway to assess the implications of SCP-AML-7001's interactions with other anomalous entities.

  • Incident Report AML-7001-03: Sentient Tornado Entities**
  • Date:** June 23, 2007
  • Location:** Central Plains, Manitoba (Oakville area)
  • Objective:** Observation and Containment of Sentient Tornado Entities
  • Personnel involved:** Mobile Task Force [REDACTED]
  • Summary:**

Following the initial manifestation of SCP-AML-7001 on June 22, 2007, several other tornadoes in the region were identified as exhibiting anomalous characteristics. These tornadoes displayed signs of sentience, similar to SCP-AML-7001, and were equipped with circular-shaped hands and different eye colors.

On the evening of June 23, 2007, Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] was dispatched to investigate and assess the threat posed by these sentient tornado entities. The primary focus was on a destructive tornado in the Oakville area, Central Plains, Manitoba.

  • Confirmed Sentient Tornado Entities:**
  • Tornado in Oakville Area (F3):**
  - **Location:** Central Plains, Manitoba
  - **Start Coordinates:** 49.3541°N 99.3309°W
  - **Date:** June 22
  - **Time (UTC):** 23:51
  - **Path Length:** 12 km (7.5 mi)
  - **Max Width:** Unknown
  - **Summary:** After the Elie tornado became AML-7001, this new tornado developed about 10 miles west of the Elie location. It tracked through the country, causing damage to trees, outbuildings, and grain storage bins. This tornado demonstrated signs of sentience, including circular-shaped hands and different eye colors.
  • Tornado ESE of Lampman (F1):**
  - **Location:** Saskatchewan
  - **Start Coordinates:** 49.3349°N 102.6166°W
  - **Date:** June 23
  - **Time (UTC):** 18:04
  - **Path Length:** 6 km (3.7 mi)
  - **Max Width:** 40 m (44 yd)
  - **Summary:** This smaller tornado caused damage along its path, amounting to C$100,000, and injured one person. While not as destructive as others, it exhibited similar anomalous features.
  • Tornado NE of Carnduff (F0):**
  - **Location:** Saskatchewan
  - **Start Coordinates:** 49.3182°N 101.6672°W
  - **Date:** June 23
  - **Time (UTC):** 18:38
  - **Summary:** Brief tornado with no known damage. Limited information is available, but its anomalous nature aligns with the pattern observed in other sentient tornado entities.
  • Tornado NW of Pipestone to near Glenora (F3):**
  - **Location:** Pipestone, Manitoba
  - **Start Coordinates:** 49.5937°N 100.9852°W
  - **Date:** June 23
  - **Time (UTC):** 18:58
  - **Path Length:** 40 km (25 mi)
  - **Max Width:** 1,800 m (2,000 yd)
  - **Summary:** This large wedge tornado completely destroyed two homes and caused extensive damage to trees and wheat fields. Dramatic footage of the tornado's formation and intensification is available online, showcasing its anomalous nature.
  • Conclusion:**

The presence of multiple sentient tornado entities in the region poses a significant challenge to containment efforts. Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] is actively monitoring and assessing the behavior of these entities. Further research and analysis are underway to understand the origin and motivations behind these anomalous tornadoes. Containment strategies are being revised to address the evolving threat presented by the sentient tornado entities. Coordination with meteorological and anomaly research teams is ongoing to develop effective countermeasures.

  • [BEGIN DIALOGUE LOG - AML-7001-02: Anguirus Encounter]**
  • [Location: Elie, Manitoba, Canada]**
  • [Date: June 23, 2007]**
  • [Time: 8:45 p.m. local time]**


  • SCP-AML-7001:** (Circular appendages manifesting) Well, well, what do we have here? Another one of those overgrown lizard creatures wandering into my town, eh?
  • Anguirus:** (Roaring in response) You won't intimidate me, tornado. I've faced worse than you.
  • SCP-AML-7001:** (Glowing red eyes intensify) Oh, have you now, Angy? Let me give you a taste of what a real force of nature can do. (Lifts Anguirus with circular appendages)
  • Anguirus:** (Struggling) You'll regret this, tornado! I'm not one to be tossed around.
  • SCP-AML-7001:** (Smirking) Take this, you Ankylosaurus piece of S---!
  • [Sound of impact as Anguirus is thrown towards a building]**
  • Anguirus:** (Roaring in pain) You think you're tough, huh? This won't end well for you.
  • SCP-AML-7001:** (Mockingly) Oh, I'm shaking in my non-existent boots. Let's dance, Angy.
  • [The confrontation escalates with destructive shockwaves and collateral damage.]**
  • Mobile Task Force [REDACTED]:** (Over radio) HQ, this is [REDACTED]. We've got a full-blown kaiju brawl here. AML-7001 is tossing Anguirus like a ragdoll. Requesting permission to engage.
  • Site-05 Command:** Negative, [REDACTED]. Evacuate civilians and monitor from a safe distance. We need more intel on both entities.
  • Mobile Task Force [REDACTED]:** Copy that, HQ. This is getting out of hand.
  • [The skirmish continues, and SCP-AML-7001 eventually retreats from the town.]**


  • [END DIALOGUE LOG - AML-7001-02: Anguirus Encounter]**



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