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The Jasper Incident

Posted by test342342334324234 - May 22nd, 2024

  • SCP-AML-7001-03: Godzilla Subjugation - Incident Log**


  • Location:** Jasper, Alberta, Canada
  • Date and Time:** June 23, 2007 - Nighttime
  • Incident Overview:** SCP-AML-7001, following the Anguirus encounter, executed a highly orchestrated plan to control Godzilla for a duration of 48 hours. The entity infiltrated Godzilla's body, taking command of the King of the Monsters to terrorize the town of Jasper.


  • Timeline of Events:**

1. **Nightfall:** SCP-AML-7001, now manifesting its sentient tornado form, descends upon Jasper, Alberta, in a display of malevolent power. The town is plunged into chaos as civilians evacuate.

2. **Infiltration:** SCP-AML-7001, utilizing unknown anomalous means, infiltrates Godzilla's body and gains control over the kaiju.

3. **Godzilla's Rampage:** Controlled by SCP-AML-7001, Godzilla unleashes destructive capabilities, causing widespread panic in Jasper. Buildings are demolished, and the town is in disarray.

4. **Ransom Demand:** SCP-AML-7001 issues a ransom to the town and the SCP Foundation. The demand includes unspecified terms for the release of both the town and Godzilla from its control.

5. **MTF Intervention:** Mobile Task Force [REDACTED] is dispatched to handle the situation. O5 Council members monitor the events closely.

6. **Negotiations:** Attempts are made to negotiate with SCP-AML-7001 through encrypted communication channels. The entity remains unresponsive to diplomatic efforts.

7. **48-Hour Mark:** As the 48-hour timeframe elapses, SCP-AML-7001 willingly withdraws from Godzilla's body, releasing control over the kaiju.

8. **Escape:** SCP-AML-7001, now outside Godzilla's body, swiftly escapes the area, leaving behind a devastated town and a temporarily subdued Godzilla.


  • Aftermath:**

- **Jasper Devastation:** Jasper experiences significant destruction and psychological trauma. Recovery efforts and amnestic administration are initiated for affected civilians.

- **Godzilla's Return to Normalcy:** After regaining control, Godzilla appears disoriented but gradually returns to his normal state. The kaiju retreats into the wilderness.

- **SCP-AML-7001 Escape:** SCP-AML-7001 manages to evade Foundation containment. Efforts are intensified to understand its motives and capabilities.

- **Ongoing Investigations:** Research teams analyze the anomalous methods employed by SCP-AML-7001 to control Godzilla. Contingency plans for future encounters are under development.


  • Note:** The Jasper Incident raises concerns about SCP-AML-7001's capacity to manipulate powerful entities and orchestrate complex schemes. Research and containment protocols are being updated accordingly.
  • SCP-AML-7001-04: Godzilla's Dilemma - Dialogue Log**


  • Characters:**

- **SCP-AML-7001 (referred to as AML throughout):** Anomalous Meteorological Entity with sentient characteristics. - **Godzilla (referred to as GZ throughout):** King of the Monsters, irradiated prehistoric amphibious reptile.


  • Setting:** Undisclosed location, within Godzilla's consciousness.


  • [BEGIN LOG]**
  • GZ:** *Roars loudly*
  • AML:** *Manifests within Godzilla's consciousness* Calm, my scaly friend. No need for such theatrics. We're here to have a little chat.
  • GZ:** *Growls* What is this place?
  • AML:** Think of it as the crossroads of decisions, my dear Godzilla. A place where choices are made, and consequences unfold.
  • GZ:** *Snarls* Why are you here?
  • AML:** Ah, the question of the hour. You see, GZ, I'm here to help you make decisions. Important decisions that could shape the course of your... existence.
  • GZ:** I make my own choices. No one dictates to me.
  • AML:** True, true. But what if I told you there are forces at play, secrets untold? What if your choices weren't solely yours?
  • GZ:** *Raises an eyebrow, or the kaiju equivalent* Explain.
  • AML:** Ever wondered why certain monsters seem to always find their way to you? Why certain battles unfold the way they do? It's all a part of a grander plan, my friend. And I'm here to enlighten you.
  • GZ:** *Snorts* I don't believe in grand plans. I am the force of nature.
  • AML:** Deny it all you want, but the strings that pull you are more intricate than you realize. Take the recent encounter with Anguirus. Orchestrated, planned.
  • GZ:** Lies. I decide my battles.
  • AML:** Do you, though? What if I told you that your very thoughts are being subtly influenced? That there are entities out there manipulating your every move?
  • GZ:** *Growls suspiciously* Get to the point.
  • AML:** Simple, my scaly friend. Embrace the conspiracy, and I can offer you clarity, power, control. Deny it, and remain a pawn in a game you can't comprehend.
  • GZ:** *Contemplates, eyes narrowing* What's your game?
  • AML:** Knowledge is power, Godzilla. Join me, and together, we'll unveil the truth behind the kaiju puppetry.
  • GZ:** *Roars defiantly* I am no one's puppet.
  • AML:** The choice is yours, Godzilla. But remember, ignorance is not bliss. *Fades away within Godzilla's consciousness*
  • [END LOG]**



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