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Posted by test342342334324234 - 3 weeks ago

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  • Incident Log AML-7001-04**
  • Date:** 6/24/2007

  • Location:** [REDACTED] Mountain

  • Personnel Involved:** Mobile Task Force [REDACTED]

  • Description:** On June 24, 2007, a significant and alarming event involving SCP-AML-7001 occurred, escalating the threat it poses to both the Foundation and the general population.

At approximately 13:45 hours local time, SCP-AML-7001 was spotted near [REDACTED] Mountain, where it had previously been monitored in a relatively dormant state. Surveillance reports indicated that it was making unusual movements in the vicinity of the mountain.

SCP-AML-7001, displaying its extraordinary capabilities, began to manifest its anomalous appendages resembling circular-shaped hands without arms. These appendages reached into the very fabric of reality and extracted two entities identified as Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef. These individuals are well-known Foundation personnel who had no previous connection to SCP-AML-7001.

The extraction of Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef's souls appeared to be a painful and distressing process. Their souls were drawn into the entity, and the souls appeared to become part of the sword it wielded, infusing it with an unknown source of power. Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef ceased to exist as individual entities after this event.

Following this horrifying occurrence, SCP-AML-7001 released a deafening, tornado siren-like sound that reverberated across the globe, causing widespread panic and confusion. The sound appeared to transcend the normal laws of physics, traveling through the air at a velocity far exceeding that of any known sound wave. It was audible even in areas far removed from the incident site.

After creating this sound, SCP-AML-7001 descended from the mountain, displaying a newfound aggression and adaptability. It moved with an increased sense of purpose, making a beeline toward the nearby Mobile Task Force [REDACTED], which had been dispatched to address the threat.

As SCP-AML-7001 descended from the mountain, it left a trail of destruction in its wake. Structures were torn apart, and the landscape itself appeared to twist and warp under its influence. The force and malevolence of the entity were palpable and, at this point, proved a considerable challenge for MTF [REDACTED] to handle.

The MTF's attempt to neutralize SCP-AML-7001 resulted in heavy casualties, and the entity continued to exhibit heightened aggression and adaptability during the encounter, making containment efforts exceptionally difficult.

This incident underscores the pressing need for a comprehensive reassessment of SCP-AML-7001's containment procedures and a more in-depth understanding of its origin and capabilities. The motivations behind the extraction of Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef's souls, as well as the purpose of the ensuing events, remain a mystery and subject to ongoing research. The Foundation is actively working to develop more effective strategies for dealing with this highly dangerous anomaly.

  • Incident Log AML-7001-Alpha**
  • Date:** June 24, 2007
  • Location:** Volcanic Valley, Canada

SCP-AML-7001, The Tornadic Hunter, was detected heading towards Volcanic Valley. Weather radar systems were closely monitoring its movements, and an Emergency Alert System (EAS) warning was promptly issued to the local population, urging immediate evacuation.

As SCP-AML-7001 approached the area, it exhibited increased activity and hostility, with its anomalous appendages swirling ominously. The skies darkened as the tornado moved with purpose towards a specific location within Volcanic Valley.

Upon reaching the designated spot, SCP-AML-7001 encountered Mothra in her Imago state, a giant lepidopteran with wings that created gales and a powerful set of abilities.

SCP-AML-7001's sword, housing the souls of Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef, communicated with it. Dr. Bright and Dr. Clef, though trapped in the sword, conversed with SCP-AML-7001 in a joking manner, providing support and guidance.

  • SCP-AML-7001:** *(speaking in English)* Why have you brought me here, Bright?
  • Dr. Bright (soul in sword):** Oh, just thought you might enjoy some sightseeing, a little vacation in the scenic Volcanic Valley.
  • SCP-AML-7001:** *(sarcastically)* Vacation? Is this some kind of sick joke?
  • Dr. Clef (soul in sword):** Well, you know, we thought you could use a change of scenery. Plus, we heard there's a giant moth causing a ruckus.
  • SCP-AML-7001:** *(snarkily)* Great, just what I needed - a moth. Prepare yourselves; we have an intruder.

The confrontation between SCP-AML-7001 and Mothra unfolded violently. Mothra utilized her silk spray and mandibles, attempting to engage SCP-AML-7001 in combat. However, SCP-AML-7001 displayed heightened agility and maneuverability, skillfully avoiding Mothra's attacks.

In a strategic move, SCP-AML-7001 wielded its sword and swiftly knocked Mothra unconscious, overpowering her with its destructive force. The souls within the sword commented on the battle with a mix of humor and encouragement.

  • Dr. Bright (soul in sword):** Nicely done, my tornado friend! That moth never stood a chance.
  • SCP-AML-7001:** Save the commentary. What's the next move?
  • Dr. Clef (soul in sword):** How about a victory lap? Show the locals what a real force of nature looks like!

Following the encounter, SCP-AML-7001 proceeded to throw Mothra's unconscious body around like a ragdoll before heading out of Volcanic Valley, leaving destruction in its wake. Containment procedures are under review to address the increased adaptability and aggression displayed by SCP-AML-7001 during this incident. Ongoing research aims to uncover the motive behind its anomalous behavior and its connection to other entities or universes.



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